NEW! Importance of Exposure Limits

When:  May 2, 2017 from 14:00 to 15:00 (ET)
ODFIs are required to assign exposure limits to all originators and this should be done in a way that reflects the nature of the risk the originator represents. That previous sentence is pretty much all that NACHA prescribes as it relates to setting exposure limits. ODFIs must then figure out how to set these limits in a way that is consistent with their risk profile as an institution. Exposure in a payment system is based upon settlement and not using a long term view of whether a client can cover that exposure. This can be very tricky which is why in this session we aim to make this requirement less onerous and painful to ODFIs by explaining the reasoning, the value and importance of these limits. The session will also look at how Same Day ACH can impact exposure limits.